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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

Interactive Bar



Class 5

Class 5

Class 5 is taught by Mrs King, our TAs are Mrs Bridges and Mrs Jarvis. In Class 5. We have lots of exciting learning planned for this year. Our topics include: Fantastic Beasts; Splash and Staying Alive.  We follow the Talk for Writing approach in English and our focus on descriptive writing and grammar helps to build foundations for future work in KS2. In maths, we use the mastery approach. This means we are to support all pupils within the lesson to achieve a deeper understanding of mathematics whilst also providing individual children with daily additional input as required.   


In year 5, children will take part in an intensive swimming course. The course will run over a fortnight, in the Autumn Term.  Children should bring swimming costume/swimming trunks, towel and swimming hat in a bag. Your child may wear goggles if they have written permission from you.


We look forward to an amazing year.


In the event of being required to complete remote education, pupils, should follow the remote learning timetable for the relevant week. Teachers will use Seesaw to communicate with your child about their learning and suggest suitable tasks, activities and links to supplement those outlined in the remote learning plan.  Most tasks can be completed online or through the use of pencil and paper. For tasks where you may require a printer, but are unable to access one or you have problems getting online,  feel free to ask us for further support by contacting the office. Remember to make sure you include time for looking after your health and wellbeing. Stay safe.  


Access Remote Learning

Please login on to your Seesaw account to view, download and complete the activities for the week.


In your Seesaw class you will be able to access:

  • the weekly timetable and announcements 
  • lesson content and resources which are scaffolded and modelled by the teachers
  • links to supporting resources and interactive tools tailored to support you
  • updates and messages from your teachers and teaching assistants
  • tools to ask questions and receive feedback on your learning
  • teacher guided opportunities to interact with peers 
  • materials to support wellbeing

I need help with my tasks

If you need more guidance or have a query regarding the learning tasks please send a message to the admin team via the contact form. We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.

Get In Touch

Information Block

Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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