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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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Uniform Policy

What uniform do I need for my child?

When you join our school, your child will be given a school jumper and tie. We ask that you provide black skirt, dress or trousers, a white shirt, black shoes and black socks or tights. Children need a coat suitable for the season. 


Do they need PE (sports) kit?

Yes. The children need black jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings and a white T-shirt. They can wear their school jumper on top. No hoodies or branded clothes are allowed. Sports shoes (trainers) should only be worn on PE days.  Long hair should be tied back for PE sessions. Earrings should not be worn on PE days. Children should wear their PE uniform to school on days when they have PE lessons. 

School Uniform


We expect all pupils to wear our school uniform as it builds a sense of community, identity and develops a pride in our school. All items should be clearly marked with your child's name.



School uniform

  • School jumper (V-neck dark grey with logo and collar piping)
  • School tie (plain red- elasticated or standard)
  • White buttoned shirt (short or long sleeved)
  • Black trousers, skirt, or pinafore dress
  • Black socks or tights
  • Smart black shoes


Our school jumper and tie are available to purchase directly from our school office.  Please contact the admin team to place an order. All children starting school will be given a jumper and a tie. The above items are compulsory.


Branded book bags (KS1) and rucksacks (KS2) are also available to be purchased from the School Clubsport (Unit 4, All Saints Court, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0BA). These are not compulsory.


Summer Term uniform

During the summer term, the uniform above may be substituted with:

  • Red gingham dress
  • Black shorts/ skort
  • Black sandals


Be proud and smart

  • Hair decoration should be kept to a minimum with simple hair bands only, in natural hair colours.
  • No jewellery should be worn apart from plain stud earrings. This includes no Smart watches. A simple standard analogue watch may be worn to help pupils with learning the time. Pupils are not allowed phones in the school, if pupils need access to a phone after school, they must be given into the office on arrival for safekeeping. 
  • No nail varnish should be worn.
  • Longer hair should be tied back.


Second-hand uniform 

  • We encourage families to donate good quality school uniform for others to the school office. By donating uniform you are helping keep good clothing out of landfill and recycling uniform to children who need it.
  • Please ask us if you need support with obtaining school uniform
  • Herefordshire Free School Uniform has a website listing current stock available for collection. Contact them by clicking here. 



P.E. Kit


Children are expected to wear PE kit to school on the days PE is scheduled for their class. All items should be named.


P.E. Kit

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Plain black jogging bottoms/ leggings during colder months
  • Pumps and/or trainers
  • School jumper


Keeping safe

  • Earrings must not be worn on PE days. Newly pierced ears may be temporarily covered up using tape for P.E. lessons.





Our nursery uniform

  • School jumper (V-neck dark grey with logo and collar piping)
  • Red polo shirt
  • Own choice of trousers/ skirt/ shorts/ leggings etc.


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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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