Admission Arrangements
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Equality Objectives
Statutory School Policies
- STC Accessibility and equalities policy 2024-25
- STC Attendance and Punctuality policy 2024-25
- STC Behaviour and Relationships Policy 2024-25
- STC Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-25
- STC Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy 2024-25
- STC Designated teacher for looked after and previoulsy looked after children policy 2024-25
- STC Early Years Missing child Policy 2024-25
- STC Early Years Policy 2024-25
- STC ECT Induction policy 2024-2025
- STC First Aid Policy 2024-2025
- STC Health and Safety policy 2024-25
- STC Relationship and Sex Education Policy 2024-2025
- STC School Exclusions policy 2024-25
- STC Special Educational Needs and Disabilties Policy and SEN Information Report 2024-25
- STC Supporting pupils with long term medical needs policy 2024-25
- STC Teaching and Learning policy 2024-25
- STC Uncollected nursery child policy 2024-25.pdf
DHMAT policies
- DHMAT Data Protection
- DHMAT Equality
- DHMAT Staff Code of Conduct
- DHMAT Whistleblowing
- DHMAT Unreasonable behaivour towards school staff
- DHMAT exclusion guidance
- DHMAT Safer recruitment
- DHMAT Managing Serial Unreasonable Complaints V1.1
- DHMAT Relating to Management of Complaints to the MAT
- DHMAT Complaints
- DHMAT Charging and remissions
- DHMAT Central Safeguarding Policy 2024-25
Covid-19 Specific Policies and Information |
- St Thomas Cantilupe Covid 19 Infection control policy
- St Thomas Cantilupe Covid 19 Intimate Care policy
- RAF_1_COVID19 Cleaning school areas after infection v2 July20.pdf
- RAF_1_COVID19 General cleaning school areas no persons with symtpms or confirmed infections v1 July20.pdf
- RAF_1_Visiting Therapists on school site COVID19 v1 Sep20.pdf
- RAF_1_Use of Volunteers for In-School activities COVID19 v1 Oct20.pdf
- RAF_1_After School Clubs - Inside ^0 sports activities Lockdown 3 COVID19 Jan21 v2.pdf
- RAF_1_COVID19 Primary School ^L0 Nursery on the asymptomatic testing of staff at their homes v2 Jan21.pdf
- RAF_1_Staff member returning after long COVID symptoms v1 Feb21.pdf
- RAF_1_Primary School COVID19 operational guidance from 24Feb22 v1 Removal of self isolating etc.pdf
- RAF_1_People respiratory infections COVID19 guidance from 01April22 v1 Primary 05Apr22.pdf