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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

Interactive Bar




'Music is what my feelings sound like,' Child, Class 3


We are proud to be a creative school, in which the talents of each child are valued and consistently nurtured as they progress up the school.  We aim to provide children with a range of inclusive opportunities to discover and develop their musical or dramatic competencies, cultivate their cultural understanding and establish the foundations of essential life skills, such as expressing oneself clearly and confidently.   By the time they leave primary school, children have been equipped with this knowledge and understanding as well as having an appreciation of a breadth of musical forms. 


In Nursery and Reception build a repertoire of familiar songs and ways of dancing. Additionally, the children are encouraged to explore a range of percussion instruments, both with an adult and independently. Children participate in whole class music lessons. These lesson ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument through whole-class ensemble teaching programmes. 



Later, children learn to use their voices expressively and creatively, through songs and chants as well as to be able to experiment using both un-tuned and tuned instruments.  Children listen to a range of music from different cultures and eras, giving them the opportunity to listen with concentration and developing their understanding of the musical elements.  As their fine motor skills progress, the number of instruments that children have access to increases.  Children participate in whole class music lessons. In addition we run free peripatetic music sessions. Thanks to an innovative programme children across key stage 2 learn the flute, clarinet, saxophone and trumpet.



Children have the opportunity to develop musical skills, including listening to and discussing music, composing, performing and learning about the history of Music. They are participating in a subject which is creative and academically challenging. Pupils have access to the school’s percussion instruments, and electronic music making on iPads for their compositions and performances. Children are taught musical notation and basic music theory. 




Our key concepts are:

  • Shape

  • Communicate

  • Comprehend


Children at St Thomas have a love of music and the sound of music making fills our school. Children are positively influenced by music in terms of their personal and social development and understand the positive effect music has on our school community and diversity in our world. Children have opportunities to showcase their talents in our school choir. As a result, we know that children develop increased self-reliance, confidence and sense of achievement whilst being proud of working towards a common goal.


The importance of singing, for us at STC, was shared on BBC Hereford and Worcester. Listen here from 10.25


Our music plan for 2024-2025 is below.


Music Development Plan 2024-25

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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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