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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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Diocese of Hereford Multi Academy Trust

St Thomas Cantilupe CE Primary is a member of the Diocese of Hereford Multi Academy Trust. The MAT is family of schools working together to succeed. 


The DHMAT includes high schools, primary schools, church and non church, urban and rural schools across Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire. In the field of education within our rural region the DHMAT has a vocational mission of Grace and Service which helps to support our families through a strong educational system. We exist to make sure that every child in the area has access to a great education. We believe in the power of collaboration and that through working in partnership we improve the educational system for all. 


The Trust's Vision and Ethos leadership group work with all schools and Directors to enable our vision to be lived.


'Educating for life in all its fullness' is the goal of the Church of England's 'Deeply Christian; Serving the Common Good' vision is central to both the school, MAT and Diocesan vision.  


Further information about the DHMAT can be found at DHMAT



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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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