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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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Our curriculum


Our curriculum is based on seeing our vision in action, that we enable every child to ‘shine bright their light.’  This is a key message from Matthew 5:14-16. It combines the message of, ‘You are the light of the world’ and ‘let your light shine.’ We are clear about our mission -lighting up lives so that they may share the light. 


We want our children to be inquisitive, determined learners who work hard to achieve their very best. Our curriculum has been developed with our children at its' heart. From Early Years on, key concepts in each subject form the basis of our teaching and from these we develop questions which capture children's enthusiasm for learning, build in logical sequence and lead to outcomes which make a difference.


Visit our class pages to view the curriculum map for each class. Click on the icons below to view the subject curriculum plans for our school. If you would like to know more please do get in touch by emailing

Year Group Curriculum Planning


Click on the links below to view the curriculum planning for each of our year groups. 



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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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