Fees |
Fees are payable through the SchoolMoney online payment system using your debit or credit card. This system will be set up automatically through school and once parents have provided us with up to date contact details they will receive a password to access their SchoolMoney account. Request for payment for nursery fees will be sent either by text or email.
Nursery Education Funding |
St Thomas Cantilupe Nursery is a registered early year’s provider, eligible to receive the Nursery Education Funding (NEF), which funds pre-school places for 2, 3 and 4 year old children.
We offer the universal funding for 15 hours a week and we allocate this funding by offering 3 hours over 5 mornings/afternoons or flexible hours over no fewer than 3 days (this permits up to 12 hours over 2 days). We also offer the 30 hours extended funding to eligible working parents.
We are able to accept the two year old funding for 15 hours of free nursery provision per week (subject to availability). We must have evidence of your child’s letter of offer from the Local Authority to prove their eligibility. Application forms for this funding are available from nursery.
We apply for this funding on your behalf when your child becomes eligible in the term following their 3rd birthday. We will give you the necessary forms, and will need to know how many hours per week you wish to claim for (subject to availability) and whether you’re your child attends any other early years provider. Funding may be split between 2 or more providers, up to a maximum of 15 hours per week or 30 hours a week for eligible working parents. (Please speak to Justine for more information regarding claiming the 30 hours extended funding).
When will my child be eligible for Nursery Education Funding?
From the term following their second /third birthday:
A Child born between: | Funding commences from: |
1st Jan to 31st March | Summer Term |
1st April to 31st August | Autumn Term |
1st Sept to 31st Dec | Spring Term |
Early years providers that offer the early years education funding can claim the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) for eligible children to support your child’s development, learning and care. This means up to an extra £302 a year for each child taking up the full 570 hours. Please read the information provided with your admission forms and complete the registration form if you think you may be eligible.
30 hours free childcare |
Apply now at https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
The Childcare Choices website will give you information regarding eligibility for the free 30 hour childcare offer and Tax- Free Childcare.
If you currently receive financial support through tax credits and only want to take up the offer of the free 30 hours (and want to keep your tax credit) please do not apply for Tax- Free childcare as this will affect your tax credit.
To apply you will need to create a Government Gateway account (if you don’t already have one) and will need to provide personal details, National insurance number and information about your income and the same details for your partner (if you have one).
At the end of this process, parents will have a childcare service account. In the ‘secure messages’ section of your account you will receive messages regarding your eligibility. If you are eligible you will be given an 11 digit ‘eligibility code’ for your child.
Once you have your code please complete the Parent Agreement Form and return it to nursery as soon as possible. We will then need to verify your code with Herefordshire Council using a secure online provider portal.
When your eligibility code has been successfully verified you will receive a letter confirming your child’s place and the date that your 30 hours of free childcare starts.
We need to have your eligibility code as soon as possible to confirm the place and offer you the 30 hours of free childcare. If we have not received your code and completed forms by the end of the term your child will only be entitled to the universal offer of 15 hours free childcare a week.
If you would like any further information or would like help completing the online eligibility checker please let us know.