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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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Our Christian vision enables people to flourish

Our vision is that we enable every child to ‘shine bright their light.’  This is a key message from Matthew 5:14-16. It combines the message of, ‘You are the light of the world’ and ‘let your light shine’ which together demonstrate our vision that we as a school family follow Jesus’ teaching to serve with grace and to enable all children to shine brightly.


Jesus calls us to be like a candle held in God’s hands, bringing light to His world. Love represents the flame, unity is represented by the wick and perseverance the wax which together provide the light to follow our vision.  


Light is designed to shine out and not be hidden. We aim to develop each individual so that they can shine to their full potential. Our light shining brightly is not just for us to keep in school but also for us to share through developing partnerships with the local commmunity, our Trust and more widely. 



 It is only by visiting the school that our theologically rooted Christian vision can be truly felt and understood.


How do we know whether people are flourishing?


Staff have access to an innovative system of professional development which enables all staff members to have time and space to access learning and to reflect. Staff have regular opportunties to meet, to talk and to listen, in groups as well as individually. Staff well being is our highest priority with staff having access to an employee programme providing support and rewards.  A high number of staff have undertaken NPQs and further development as we seek to live our vision and to shine. As a result of this, staff say that they feel valued, enjoy working at our school and know that they make a difference to children's lives.



Parents choose our school because they feel welcome, supported and included. We are determined that our community is seen and celebrated. We share children's learning through online platforms, enable parents to support their children through sharing learning and invite parents into school on a regular basis.


We support families through linking with community groups, grant applications and keeping school costs low. We give each child a uniform, offer clubs which are free to all and work with each family to enable their children to shine. We learn from our families and they help us to understand their lives through sharing their faiths, cultures, professions and interests. A parent of a child who recently left Y6 wrote to say, 'A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the time spent keeping my children safe and happy. The memories they both have of the school will last a lifetime.'



Children love coming to St Thomas Cantilupe because they enjoy learning, being together and thinking about their world. Our carefully planned curriculum, dedicated staff and exceptional learning environment mean that children feel valued. Children's voices are heard; they actively lead many elements of school life and grasp the many opportunities that they are given. 



Visitors, without fail, comment on the warmth and care that shines out when they visit. They notice our children's work ethos, their manners, behaviour and smiles. As one recent visitor said, ' The care, commitment and love for what you do shines through. It is everything that education should be and more.' 



Our community is wonderful. From The Courtyard theatre, to Hereford Cathedral, Wagamamas, Wickes, Hampton Grange nursing home, PGL and so many more our school is held close by many people. This gives our children a real sense of belonging and enables our community to become a valued part of our school. More widely, our children's work has been used as a case study for the Archbishops Young Leaders scheme and our staff have contributed to the Church of England's Christmas message. In all of these ways we, as a whole, flourish.



When NMITE (Hereford’s University) opened and children at St Thomas were in the middle of their PE lesson on the playground the children all ran to the fence, clapping and cheering. No one told them to. They wanted to support our neighbours and share in congratulating them with their exciting day. The university leaders told us that it was the best part of the day - a moment of pure sharing and celebration!


When the vaccination team came to school to give children the flu vaccine they wrote to say what a great morning they had, how the team had worked so well to make their morning a success and how polite the children were. Small things make a difference to everyone flourishing.


When we planted the tree for the Queen’s Garden Canopy those in attendance spoke with real joy about the children’s manners, positivity and respect shown. Children sent beautiful #mothstoaflame to COP 26 and collect items for Hereford’s Recycling Group.




These are a few short examples of what happens when we all flourish, by focusing on relationships and that we all matter to one another. The children have asked that we share this picture of their moths. 


How do we celebrate and share?

We are fortunate to be able to enable our children to shine their light in many ways. From daily 'positivity notes' to weekly celebrations, concerts and services we make sure that we recognise one another's strengths. 


Our choir lights up spaces and creates a distinctive moment of awe when they sing. Being able to share this with families, other schools and our Trust is a real priviledge. 


Children want to come to school and we celebrate good attendance. By working toegther children achieve well and make excellent progress at our school. 



Children at STC share with other schools, such as when recording the track for the Courtyard's #talkaway project. They are fortunate to attend events such as Hay Festival and go on visits such as those to to Redridge, a local farm and concert hall. We make great use of our city with children enjoying river walks, our library and organ recitals at Hereford Cathedral. We actively seek opporuntities for our children to experience wonderful moments, places and events. 



Our school has been asked to proudly represent our county on a number of occassions, such as the Platinum Jubilee celebration where we planted a tree in thanks for Queen Elizabeth II. 




How are our values lived?

The only way to truly know the answer to this question is to come and visit. Spend time in the school, talk to staff and children, greet parents in the morning, go out on the playground or read with a child. We warmly welcome everyone to get in touch to find out more. 

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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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