Religious Education at St Thomas Cantilupe
How do you teach Religious Education? |
R.E matters because it helps our children to hold well informed, balanced conversations and views about the world, religion and faith. R.E. is a core, academic subject and is taught weekly by all classes.
All statutory requirements are met. It follows the same principles as learning in all of our subjects. We follow the Herefordshire Agreed Syllabus, use Understanding Christianity and plans are developed based upon this. Visitors and visits enrich our learning such as this one, by Deacon Angie, from the Methodist Church.
Planning is carefully thought out and is linked to Blooms Taxonomy and key vocabulary. Progression across each year and between year groups is clear. Flashbacks enable children to build on and secure understanding.
Children learn to talk about ideas and concepts. They think about what believing means. They learn about how beliefs link, how they are shown and what they mean. We want children learn about how and whether things make sense, to ask big questions and to start to find answers. This includes visits to local places of worship, such as Hereford Cathedral, to learn about Easter.
We also want children to learn about R.E in the context of how we live, how people practise faith and what difference it makes. We teach children to think about big questions because we believe that it matters.
Through asking questions, discussing, listening to thinking about answers our children are developing important and life long qualities which link directly to our core values of love, perseverance and unity.
We want children who ask questions about life, its meaning, beliefs, identity and values. Our current planning and a subject termly plan are shown below.
How do teachers develop their subject knowledge and pedagogy in R.E.? |
Professional development opportunities through the Diocesan team are varied and make a difference. Staff INSET about Understanding Christianity has had real impact as staff knowledge of the links, symbols, images and 'big story' has been embedded. As a result of staff training and a whole school approach the quality of teaching in R.E. is good.
C.P.D in Religious Education is ongoing. As a core subject this matters in order for us to give children the best provision and opportunities to learn. Coupled with assessment which has purpose and impacts on future plans we make sure that children are both supported and challenged.
We have been award the RE Silver Quality Mark. We are very proud of the children and staff. Below is some of the feedback from our assessor. Thank you to our parents and community who are supportive and encouraging of this important aspect of school life.
'This is a good church school with an increasingly rich and diverse community which celebrates and values all the pupils' backgrounds through its inclusive curriculum. Visits and speakers as well as additional enrichment activities ensure RE has a high profile which promotes deeper thinking. The dedicated subject leader works hard to deliver all aspects of the curriculum to ensure good outcomes for all. The quality of teaching in RE is good and the monitoring and review cycle informs subject improvement planning. Pupils clearly enjoy the subject and have a strong sense of respect for people of religious and non-religious worldviews.'
How do we assess children's progress in R.E? |
Using our syllabus, we create cold tasks which children complete at the start of a unit of learning. These inform our teaching and enable us to develop tasks to meet children's needs. Hot tasks enable us to assess children's learning at the end of the unit of work. We summatively record our assessment of learning using our pupil tracking system. From this we are able to think about each child's progress as well as areas of strength and for development. An example is below: