Developing the ability to communicate by writing is a skill which all children learn at St Thomas Cantilupe. We want writers who love to express themselves, who can write clearly and accurately, who understand their audience and who are able to edit and improve their writing. There are many aspects involved in developing writers, from accurate spelling, legible handwriting, developing good ideas, using well chosen vocabulary and constructing sentences with care. Writing is a complex skill, but through the 'Talk for writing' process that we use, children are supported and guided each step of the way. By drawing on examples of great texts children learn to 'magpie' ideas and build their own. This develops children's confidence, skills and ultimately enables all children to be writers. The information below explains how we teach writing. (TO FOLLOW) This is followed by the end points that we expect children to reach as they move through the school.
The texts that we use are found on the 'Class' pages and are shared with parents each term. They build up year upon year and help children to be secure with learning. We use 'No nonsense' spelling and 'Penpals' for handwriting. All staff will be happy to share further information with you about supporting your child with writing. Please do get in touch.
The information below summaries the endpoints that we expect children to reach at different points during their time at St Thomas.