New to English
My child does not speak any English. What help will they have? |
Don't worry. We are here to listen and to work together. We are used to supporting children with a range of prior experiences, including those new to English and/or new to the U.K. There are many ways in which your child will be made to feel welcome and included.
Firstly, your child and you will be able to visit the classroom so that you are familiar with the teacher and the space that they will be learning in. A buddy will be chosen to help your child to settle in, to support them and to help them with getting used to the routines of school life.
Children at St Thomas speak many languages and we will make sure that your child is able to spend time speaking with other children in their home language and asking any questions that they may have.
In the classroom we use symbols to support learning as well as (for the older children) Google translate. For very young children or those with no English we give additional support through the use of individual fans with pictures that can help each child to show what they need. We focus on speaking and listening and developing children's vocabulary through games and sharing as well as through specific interventions such as 'Learning Village.'
We immerse children in the classroom, with their peers, so that they can make friends and get used to school life. Staff training is frequent and focused on how we ensure children settle, feel safe, happy and ready to learn.
Links for parents with English as an additional language (EAL) |
Herefordshire and Ludlow college, are currently delivering ESOL courses. ESOL is a program for English Language Learners of other Languages. For more details contact them via this link
Herefordshire council also provide adult learning courses. Find out more about these via the link below.
The following apps are also free and support many languages. Currently we recommend:
- utalk
- duolingo
- say hi