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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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Valuing our local environment

Why are our rivers polluted? | STC pupils investigate local water pollution | Newsround

Newsround #waterpollution #pollution #rivers Welcome to the official BBC Newsround YouTube channel. STC pupils in Herefordshire show Newsround how they investigate how polluted their local river is, and explain why rivers in the UK are polluted.



At STC we are proud to have fantastic links with our families. Parents are incredibly supportive of the school, attending events, supporting with reading, coming along to find out about their children's learning and sharing a pride in what we do each day. Families make sure that children come to school on time, wear the correct uniform and read each day. We share learning through Seesaw, Twitter and via our website. Together, we have culture of respect and kindness enabling all to shine brightly.


Hereford Cathedral


Follow the link to learn more about Hereford Cathedral's programme of events and services which celebrate the 700th anniversary of the canonisation of St Thomas Cantilupe.

'St Thomas Cantilupe was Bishop of Hereford from 1275 until his death in 1282. His shrine is located in the north transept of Hereford Cathedral and is still an important pilgrimage destination. He also served as Chancellor of Oxford University and was involved in high-level politics as the Lord Chancellor of England.'

We have led the virtual Christingle service at the Cathedral along with taking part in the Donkey Service. Our choir has led a recording of Christmas songs with the Aracdia choir.





St Peter's Church


Each week Rev'd Andy Morgan or Heather Martin visit our school to share teachings from the Gospel. The children are involved in helping to bring the Bible stories to life and are able to understand how our school values are underpinned by these teachings. We also go to St Peter's for our services during the year and to support with events that they hold such as Remembrance.


All Saints Church and Holy Trinity Church


Members of the school staff have reformed links with All Saints Church. Members of the church community come and read with the children in our school. Together, we think about what being church school means to us, how we can work together and how we want to lead our collective worship.


We have held art exhibitions at All Saints and worked on projects with missioner, Melody Carter.


Children from St Thomas Cantilupe take part in Choir Church and led Evensong at Holy Trinity. 


Hereford Hospital 


Many of our families work in or have links with the hospital Together, we work to ensure that families are welcomed, information is shared in a clear way and that children settle quickly and easily into school life. That ongoing commitment to community links and development is central to what we do and who we are.



Hereford City 


Being situated in the historic city of Hereford gives the children many opportunities and we make the most of them. We prioritise walking in our city, to reduce our carbon footprint and to help the children to learn more about where they live. From walks to the river, picnic lunches on the Cathedral Green, making links with local supermarkets and businesses we ensure that children at St Thomas understand where they live and flourish within it. 




Being situated across the road from Hereford's Universtiy, NMITE, has meant some wonderful collaboration for the children and staff. Workshops to 


Courtyard Theatre

Children of STC have taken part in several projects at our local theatre. We are most proud that our children were chosen to record the #talkway song for other schools in Hereford to learn. We are also delighted to offer a free, after school drama club run by staff from the theatre itself. 



Our local branch of Wagamama has supported children's learning at STC with visits to cook and taste food served. Children have loved the opportunity to learn about the business, its food and  how the team works together.


Swimming and sport

 At STC we are fortunate to be able to walk to swimming lessons in the city pool. Children have intensive lessons over a two week period and enjoy the walk to and from the pool, taking in the river, Victoria Bridge and an occasional play at the park. Here Girls Can festival and the School Games are amongst the sporting events that children take part in. Alongside this bikeability has a high profile within the school as does scooting to school. Active familiies also work alongside STC providing our children with a wealth of opportunities outside of school.


Hampton Grange Nursing Home

The school has close links with Hampton Grange, sending cards to residents and visiting to share learning and singing. The children value this hugely and gain a great deal from our link.


Royal National College for the Blind

Children in Class 4 chose the RNCB as a local organisation to link with and to raise funds for. They led and held an after school fete, linked with the Archbishop of York Young Leaders' scheme and were able to make a large donation to the RNCB. Well done all.

Check out what's happening in and around our school community on Twitter via the QR code.

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Nightingale Academy

St Thomas Cantilupe Church of England Primary School

Shine bright your light (Matthew 5 : 14-15)

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